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Haziq Rashid • 2 years ago

Fujitora is the only navy with real Justice

Ya Ya • 2 years ago

Fr , he's good enough to take aokiji's place

Zora Ideale • 2 years ago

yeah, the Navy should get replaced with people like him and Coby and Helmeppo, who don't lump all pirates into the criminal category, and who truly care about the world's people

Fujito is what Nevy should actually have been.

yelena simp • 2 years ago

no there's also Tashigi and smoker too ig? but seriously fujitora is great!!

Guest • 2 years ago
AnAverageAnimeFan • 2 years ago

But theyre the same- they judge people based on their actions rather than just their names

j.k.2023 • 10 months ago

Garp, Coby, Aokiji, Smoker.All of them are changing the navy from within.

Daycrist • 5 months ago

Oh the World Government is going to be pisssssed

Maigo Neko • 2 years ago

It's very fortunate that Akainu sent Fujitora to Dressrosa instead of Kizaru.

KiriShenpai • 2 years ago

lol imagine kizaru would prob just blink to luffy the moment he sees him

AnAverageAnimeFan • 2 years ago

The call of another timeskip-

King Luffy • 2 years ago

Sabo,Ace, Luffy three of them wear hats ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ

Nico Robin is my Waifu • 2 years ago

Chopper too

Valeria • 1 year ago

he's secretly the fourth brother... O.O

Shiori (❤ Yamato ❤) • 2 years ago

How this comment so popular

D. • 2 years ago

So basically the reason why fujitora ask them to hold the report to HQ is so that they can reveal the real truth to neighbouring countries so that the news will spread to the world afterwards. If they don't hold the report, the HQ will definitely ask navy to take the glory just like what happened to smoker during alabasta arc

King Luffy • 6 months ago

Fujitora not only strong and responsible but smart also. He didn't help to take down Doflamingo and his family because Fujitora wanted to show world what World govt is actually doing instead of protecting people.

ichigo • 2 years ago

fujitora >> other admirals

One Piece master • 2 years ago

Aokiji still my favorite

Valeria • 1 year ago


sha chan • 2 years ago

Fujitora and jinbei have the same vibe

King Luffy • 6 months ago

Now you say that, I agree

Kangaroo • 2 years ago

thank you sabo for killing blackbeard’s minion… truly a service to us all

Airen • 2 years ago

I'm very sorry to disappoint you but that's not true. Although I'm sure you probably know that by now.

Kangaroo • 2 years ago

yeah i was utterly disappointed when i found out :(

j.k.2023 • 10 months ago

How can it be so easy top kill main villain top underling?....

静か雪 • 2 years ago

so that's why fujitora didnt fight.....i see😮

Zora Ideale • 2 years ago

so he could show the world that it was actually the pirates who saved Dressrosa, unlike the past Navy admirals nd Vice admirals who claimed all the glory

Zora Ideale • 2 years ago

Luffy is so lucky, getting a lap pillow from Rebecca. Hancock would be so jealous if she ever found out.

strange guy • 2 years ago

I know

King Luffy • 2 years ago

Spoiler <3 hello yohohohoho

Ice Cream • 2 years ago

Ngl Was actually expecting a spoiler😐

King Luffy • 2 years ago

Then that was a special spoiler for you 😉

Ice Cream • 2 years ago

Wish I could spoil you!! But can't..ugghhh

King Luffy • 2 years ago


Straw Hat Pirates • 2 years ago

Here's a real spoilerCounqeror. Coating. Kaido. Hybrid.

Ice Cream • 2 years ago

And let's not forget Big Mom. Defeated. By Law and Kid

Straw Hat Pirates • 2 years ago

And a super big spoiler that can shake up this whole comment section and maybe can spoil you Luffy is Joy Boy, Confirmed not my fault when someone gets spoiled.

Grilled cheese sandwich • 1 year ago

That's literally the second biggest spoiler received by most people (first is ace's death)

Straw Hat Pirates • 1 year ago

Grilled Cheese Sandwich👌

Straw Hat Pirates • 1 year ago

Your profile and username made me hungry but... i agree

Ice Cream • 2 years ago

No no hear me out!! I am more confused by the leaks!
Luffy is reincarnation of Joyboy or the Gomu gomu no mi has something to do with it? Wtf is nika supposed to mean??

Straw Hat Pirates • 2 years ago

Nika means smile

Straw Hat Pirates • 2 years ago

Let's just wait for chapter 1044, im so excited, also i just noticed our profile picture are parallel.

Ice Cream • 2 years ago

I was literally screaming when I saw it. It just keeps getting better with each new chapter.
Ehh no way you just noticed that!

Straw Hat Pirates • 1 year ago

Have you already read chapter 1044+? It's hilarious and cool. We waited for this for more than a decade, definitely worth the wait!

Ice Cream • 1 year ago

Luffy and Kaido toying with each other has to be the best part! I just want to see every single part animated. Wano might be ending soon

Straw Hat Pirates • 1 year ago

We might have to wait another year for it to get animated. The latest episodes animation just 📈📈📈. I'm just grateful chapter 1000 got animated😁

Ice Cream • 1 year ago

Dude episode 1015 is definitely one of my favorite episodes. And with the upcoming movie and fillers it's going to take longer than that😭